Starter motor Arctic Cat, Rotax

Rotax 503 | Arctic Cat Panther 440
Product ID: 91-190736 /21100497
Incl. VAT

High quality replacement starter motor that fits various Arctic Cat sleds, older Rotax 503 engines and Ockelbo 8000 '1985. Featuring 9-tooth sprocket and fairing bolt spacing of 89 mm.

The rotation is CW.

  • 9 teeth
  • fairing bolt spacing from center to center 89 mm
  • diameter 78 mm
  • Flange diameter 61.5mm


Arctic Cat Bearcat 340 340 1995 - 2000
Arctic Cat Bearcat 440 440 1996 - 1998
Arctic Cat Cheetah 340 340 1994
Arctic Cat Cheetah 440 440 1994
Arctic Cat Cheetah 440 Touring 440 1991
Arctic Cat Cheetah 550 550 1994
Arctic Cat Cougar 440 440 1991
Arctic Cat Cougar 440 440 1992
Arctic Cat El Tigre Ext 530 530 1989
Arctic Cat El Tigre Ext 530 530 1990
Arctic Cat El Tigre Ext 530 530 1991
Arctic Cat El Tigre Ext 550 Mountain Cat 550 1991
Arctic Cat El Tigre Ext 550 Special 550 1991
Arctic Cat Jag 340 340 1989
Arctic Cat Jag 340 340 1990
Arctic Cat Jag 340 340 1998
Arctic Cat Jag 340 Deluxe 340 1989
Arctic Cat Jag 340 Deluxe 340 1990
Arctic Cat Jag 340 Deluxe 340 1998
Arctic Cat Jag 340 Mountain Cat 340 1991
Arctic Cat Jag 440 440 1992
Arctic Cat Jag 440 440 1993
Arctic Cat Jag 440 440 1994
Arctic Cat Jag 440 440 1995
Arctic Cat Jag 440 440 1996
Arctic Cat Jag 440 440 1997
Arctic Cat Jag 440 440 1998
Arctic Cat Jag 440 440 1999
Arctic Cat Jag 440 Deluxe 440 1992
Arctic Cat Jag 440 Deluxe 440 1993
Arctic Cat Jag 440 Deluxe 440 1994
Arctic Cat Jag 440 Deluxe 440 1995
Arctic Cat Jag 440 Deluxe 440 1996
Arctic Cat Jag 440 Deluxe 440 1997
Arctic Cat Jag 440 Deluxe 440 1998
Arctic Cat Jag 440 Deluxe 440 1999
Arctic Cat Jag 440 LC 440 1996
Arctic Cat Jag 440 Special 440 1992
Arctic Cat Lynx 300 340 1991
Arctic Cat Lynx 300 Deluxe 340 1991
Arctic Cat Lynx 300 Deluxe 340 1992
Arctic Cat Lynx 300 Deluxe 340 1993
Arctic Cat Lynx 340 Mountain Cat 340 1992
Arctic Cat Lynx 340 Mountain Cat 340 1993
Arctic Cat Pantera 440 440 1989
Arctic Cat Pantera 440 440 1990
Arctic Cat Panther 340 340 1999
Arctic Cat Panther 370 370 2001
Arctic Cat Panther 370 370 2004
Arctic Cat Panther 370 370 2006
Arctic Cat Panther 370 370 2007
Arctic Cat Panther 440 440 1989
Arctic Cat Panther 440 440 1990
Arctic Cat Panther 440 440 1991
Arctic Cat Panther 440 440 1992
Arctic Cat Panther 440 440 1993
Arctic Cat Panther 440 440 1997
Arctic Cat Panther 440 440 1999
Arctic Cat Panther 440 440 2000
Arctic Cat Panther 440 440 2001
Arctic Cat Panther 440 Deluxe 440 1991
Arctic Cat Panther 440 Deluxe 440 1992
Arctic Cat Panther 440 Deluxe 440 1993
Arctic Cat Panther 440 Deluxe 440 1994
Arctic Cat Panther 440 Deluxe 440 1995
Arctic Cat Panther 440 Deluxe 440 1996
Arctic Cat Panther 440 ESR 440 2001
Arctic Cat Panther 440 LC 440 1996
Arctic Cat Panther 440 Mountain Cat 440 1991
Arctic Cat Prowler 440 440 1990
Arctic Cat Puma 340 340 1995
Arctic Cat Puma 340 340 1996
Arctic Cat Puma 340 340 1997
Arctic Cat Puma 340 Deluxe 340 1995
Arctic Cat Puma 340 Deluxe 340 1996
Arctic Cat Puma 340 Deluxe 340 1997
Arctic Cat Super Jag 440 440 1989
Arctic Cat Super Jag 440 440 1990
Arctic Cat Super Jag 440 440 1991
Arctic Cat Super Jag 440 440 1992
Arctic Cat Z 370 370 2000
Arctic Cat Z 370 370 2001
Arctic Cat Z 370 370 2002
Arctic Cat Z 370 370 2003
Arctic Cat Z 370 370 2004
Arctic Cat Z 370 370 2005
Arctic Cat Z 370 ES 370 2001
Arctic Cat Z 370 ES 370 2002
Arctic Cat Z 370 LX 370 2004
Arctic Cat Z 370 LX 370 2005
Arctic Cat Z 370 LX 370 2006
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Arctic Cat Z 440 440 2001
Arctic Cat Z 440 440 2002
Arctic Cat Z 440 E 440 2000
Arctic Cat Z 440 ES 440 2001
Arctic Cat Z 440 ES 440 2002
Arctic Cat Z 440 ESR 440 2003
Arctic Cat Z 440 LX 440 2004
Arctic Cat Z 440 LX 440 2005
Arctic Cat Z 440 LX 440 2006
Ockelbo 8000 1985
Rotax 503 [older model]

Corresponds to the original parts OEM#:


Spare part numbers:


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