Exhaust temperature sensor Arctic Cat, Polaris, Yamaha

Product ID: 81-01275 / SM-01275
VAT included - Easy to order to Norway

Exhaust temperature sensor for Arctic Cat and Yamaha snowmobiles. Wire lenght 44 cm. Four-wire connector. ORiginal part numbers 0430-135, 0630-302, 3306-877, 8JP-H592A-00-00 and 8JP-H592A-01-00.


Arctic Cat Bearcat 3000 LT 2016 - 2017
Arctic Cat M 7000 2015 - 2016
Arctic Cat Pantera 3000 2016 - 2017
Arctic Cat Pantera 7000 / LTD / XT LTD 2015 - 2016
Arctic Cat XF 7000 2014 - 2016
Arctic Cat ZR 3000 LXR 2017
Arctic Cat ZR 7000 2014 - 2016
Yamaha SR Viper 2014 - 2016

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